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Health awareness rotorcraft

GE Aerospace

Improve mission

readiness and safety
GE Aerospace’s Health and Usage Monitoring System uses data insights to improve mission readiness, safety, and lower operational costs.
    Unlock operational
    data insights

    GE Aerospace’s Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) unlocks operational data insights to detect rotorcraft safety events and reduce ongoing maintenance lifecycle costs.

    - Saves technicians maintenance hours such as removal time, test runs, and post service actions.
    - Reduces the need for temporary equipment for the most common repetitive activities.
    - Improves mission readiness, safety, and sustainability with data insights

    GE Aerospace
    GE Aerospace
    Connect to safety
    HUMS is an end-to-end health awareness system monitoring rotorcraft systems data like:-
    • Airframe
    • Engine and drivetrain vibration
    • Exceedances
    • Chip detections
    • Balance, HUMS uses GE proprietary algorithms that can be configured by OEM’soperators to enable preventive repairs instead of major maintenance actions.
    GE Aerospace
    Understand maintenance and availability
    HUMS enables accurate, configurable usage counting for effective airframe and component life management.
    • Improves mission readiness with actionable data insights across your member systems
    • Conducts root cause analysis for improved fault isolation
    • Facilitates planned maintenance and
    • Reduces trouble shooting.
    GE Aerospace
    Portable solutions
    RADS-NG – Next Generation Portable Rotor Track and Balance Solution (RT&B)

    Rotor Analysis Diagnostic System/Aviation Vibration Analyzer (RADS/AVA) upgrade builds upon 30-years of field proven reliability, accuracy, and repeatability of RT&B measurements. Our RADS/AVA product refresh is designed to provide supportable and sustainable operations for years to come.

    Health and Usage Monitoring System

    Enables reduction in cost of rotor track and balance activities

    Failure to manage vibrations caused by out of balance or off-track rotors will eventually lead to long-term damage to airframes, avionics, and drivetrain components. Requires frequent need to apply track and balance adjustments to ensure vibrations remain within acceptable tolerances.
    GE’s HUMS helps reduce unplanned maintenance from excess vibration,capturing data on every flight so you can proactively know when you need to make rotor adjustments.
    Immediate ROI on rotor track and balance by reducing the need for additional test flights.

    Reducing No Fault Found (NFF) for Rotorcraft

    Incorrectly identifying failed components and systems leads to increased maintenance costs and reduced mission availability of the rotorcraft. No Fault Found (NFF) leads to increased repair time and maintenance efforts.
    GE’s Health Awareness System (HAS) software product that combines the best of predictive analytics and configurability from commercial fixed wing solutions with rotorcraft health and operational flight data. GE HAS manages the health of the entire rotorcraft integrated within existing or new sub systems including Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS), network switches and/or other line replaceable units (LRUs).
    Root cause analysis of reported failures can eliminate excessive inventory of spare parts and systems. Reduces unnecessary removal, inspection and test of components driving down maintenance costs and time. Data driven analytics leads to “right fix at the right time” increasing rotorcraft availability.

    Accurately monitor Exceedance Based Events to perform required maintenance and ensure air worthiness limits.

    Rotorcraft crew reports significant parament exceedance overload. This overload can cause damage to the drivetrain and could require the rotorcraft be pulled out of service and inspected.
    GE HUMS automatically and continuously records operational flight exceedance parameters set to OEM derived limits and determines the magnitude of the overload exceedance immediately. Data from before, during and after the event is analyzed to visualize trends, manage severity levels and time of duration of the exceedance.
    Manage costs and implement “right fix at the right time” by using mission critical recorded flight data to determine the correct maintenance actions. Eliminate ambiguous reports and add additional layer of protection to the rotorcraft and fleet by accurately recording and reporting exceedances from the member systems.

    Early detection of critical component failure improves safety and prevents further damage and costs.

    Incorrectly torqued bolts or faulty manufactured gears/bearing may cause excessive vibration, loss of power requiring the replacement of expensive drivetrain parts.
    GE HUMS can provide early warning of these types of problems before long lasting damage may occur to your mission critical systems. The maintainers are provided easy to understand condition indicators that make it simple to take corrective action. Analyses have proven that the GE HUMS system can correctly isolates faults, detects events and prevents subsequent damage. The technology can pinpoint the exact bearing component type raceway or roller that is beginning to fail.
    Early identification of problems with mission critical systems such as drive trains provides operators with timely options. Eliminating unplanned maintenance reduces operational costs and can help minimize safety of flight situations from component failure.
    GE Aerospace

    Over 1,600 twin-turbine rotorcraft installed base and 200 military and civilcustomers


    Over 25 supported rotorcraft platforms, including Chinook CH-47, Bell 412, Super Puma, KUH Surion, AW139, Wildcat, etc.

    30 years

    World’s first civil certified Health Usage and Monitoring System with over 30 years of HUMS development, delivery, and operational experience.
    GE Aerospace
    Better safety, better maintenance strategies, and lowered cost of operations with GE Aerospace’s HUMS for rotorcraft.
    This industry-leading solution of on-rotorcraft and on-ground hardware, software, and services enables end-to-end health awareness and drives improved safety of rotorcraft operations. Improve rotorcraft availability and mission readiness, while controlling and managing sustainment costs, by using GE proprietary and manufacturer-specific algorithms to drive insights.

    Health Usage Monitoring System lifecycle

    Configure the HUMS system and setup the analysis based on rotorcraft type and mission operational parameters. Analysis and configuration include (but are not limited to) rotor track and balance, great box vibration, and rotorcraft exceedances.
    GE Aerospace provides automatic, real-time monitoring, display, and recording of rotorcraft operational conditions. This occurs at the component level, which includes rotor track, drive train vibration, temperature, pressure, speeds, and usage counts. GE Aerospace conducts a complete health assessment while the rotorcraft is in flight.
    GE Aerospace transfers data and analysis results to a ground station for review of alerts and maintenance events by the support crew.
    GE Aerospace provides data storage, forwarding, live-data viewing, and analytics for long-term health trending and analysis.