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GE AerospacePhilanthropy

GE Aerospace

100+ years of

global impact
At GE Aerospace, we are passionate about lifting people up in the communities where we work and live, with a focus on STEM education, veteran support and workforce development. Discover the many ways that GE Aerospace and our employees are creating positive change through volunteerism, community giving, and the GE Aerospace Foundation.
    2023 Giving at a glance



    Company Contributions

    Supporting organizations across the globe



    Foundation Contributions

    Including $3.5M in Matching Gifts



    Employee/Retiree Giving

    Through individual donations and annual campaign pledges



    Volunteer hours

    7,000 employees, 450 GE Aerospace led projects
    GE Aerospace Foundation

    When GE Aerospace was launched as an independent company in 2024, the GE Foundation was renamed the GE Aerospace Foundation.

    GE Aerospace
    GE Aerospace
    Next Engineers
    Launched in 2021, Next Engineers is a global college and career readiness program focused on increasing the number of young people in engineering. The program provides students ages 13 to 18 with first-hand experiences in engineering concepts and careers and ultimately awards partial scholarships to pursue higher education in engineering. The Next Engineers program is located across four cities: Cincinnati, Ohio, and Greenville, South Carolina, in the U.S., along with Johannesburg, South Africa, and Staffordshire, England.
    GE Aerospace
    The Advanced Manufacturing Training Expansion Program
    The Advanced Manufacturing Training Expansion Program (AMTEP) is a collaborative, systems-based workforce development initiative on the North Shore of Massachusetts that will ready people for the future. By increasing the region’s training footprint and program capacity, and building state-of-the art infrastructure, AMTEP is committed to train adult learners and high school students to create a ready to-work pipeline for local manufacturing employers. To date, there is an 84% job placement rate for program graduates.
    GE Aerospace
    Matching Gifts Program
    GE created the concept of a corporate matching gift program in 1954, with gifts matched totaling over $1.5 billion since inception. The program supports employees in their personal philanthropy/charitable giving by providing a 1:1 match.
    GE Aerospace
    Disaster Relief & Humanitarian Aid
    Using Foundation and/or Company resources, expertise, products, and networks we support our communities as they respond to disasters and humanitarian crises.
    GE Aerospace
    STAR Awards
    This program, established in 1984, provides competitive scholarships to children of eligible employees around the world. The program has awarded more than 15,000 scholarships worldwide, totaling more than $21 million. The winners are chosen based on their academic record, extracurricular activities and community service, and personal experiences and goals as described in personal essays.
    GE Aerospace
    United Way
    The GE Aerospace-United Way relationship dates back more than 50 years. On behalf of the annual employee giving campaigns, the GE Aerospace Foundation provides additional contributions to local United Ways to support their work in local communities.

    To maximize the impact of our giving, the GE Aerospace philanthropy teams work intensively with experts and organizations to design targeted initiatives to impact our communities. We do not accept unsolicited proposals. If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].