Notice to residents of Mainland China
This notice applies to residents of Mainland China and to processing of personal data in Mainland China. This section shall be read together with the main Privacy Policy. Where there are inconsistencies between this notice and the main body of the Privacy Policy, this notice shall prevail in China.
We will obtain your consent (where applicable, separate consent) to process your personal data if and to the extent required by applicable laws. Where you provide personal information of other individuals, you shall obtain their consent to do so. If we wish to use your personal data for purposes other than those stipulated in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your consent where required by applicable laws and regulations.
Sensitive Personal Data
The types of personal data processed as described in the Privacy Policy may include certain sensitive personal data, and reference to personal data shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include reference to sensitive personal data, if any. We will process your sensitive personal data as necessary for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy with your separate consent. For the purpose of the Privacy Policy, "sensitive personal data" means personal data that, once leaked or illegally used, will easily harm the dignity of a natural person or the personal or property safety, including but not limited to: (i) biometric data; (ii) religion; (iii) specific social status; (iv) medical health information; (v) financial accounts; (vi) tracking/location information; and (vii) personal data of minors aged under 14.
Personal data will be retained for as long as required for the purpose it was collected and will be deleted as soon as practical once the purpose of the collection is completed.
Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Party Controllers
With your separate consent, we may share your personal data with third party controllers for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy. These parties act as controllers of your personal information and will collect separate consent from you for their processing. You should refer to their privacy notices for information as to of how they use your personal data.
Overseas Transfer
With your separate consent, we may transfer, access, store or otherwise process your personal data outside of Mainland China where we are satisfied that adequate levels of protection are in place to protect the integrity and security of your personal data, or adequate security measures are adopted in compliance with applicable laws.
Your Rights
In addition to the rights set out in the main body of the Privacy Policy, you may also have the following rights where applicable:
- the right to request de-registration of your account (if any); and
- the right to refuse decisions based solely on automated decision-making technology that materially impacts you.
Children’s Personal Data
We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under the age of 14 through the Online Channels. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 14, we will promptly delete the information from our records. If you believe that a child under the age of 14 may have provided us with personal information, please contact us as specified in the How To Contact Us section below.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns of this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to any of your rights, please contact us at or write us at:
Attn: Chief Privacy Officer
General Electric Company / GE Aerospace
One Neumann Way.
Cincinnati, OH 45215. USA.
United States
If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third-party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at
《隐私政策》规定处理的个人数据类型可以包括特定个人敏感数据,除非上下文另有要求,参考个人数据应视为包括参考个人敏感数据(如有)。我们将在征得您单独同意的情况下,根据《隐私政策》规定的目的处理您的个人敏感数据。就《隐私政策》而言,“个人敏感数据”是指一经泄露或非法使用,很容易损害自然人尊严或人身或财产安全的个人数据,包括但不限于:(i) 生物特征数据;(ii) 宗教;(iii) 特殊社会地位;(iv) 医疗健康信息;(v) 金融账户;(vi) 跟踪/定位信息;以及 (vii) 14 周岁以下未成年人的个人数据。
经您单独同意,我们可以出于《隐私政策》规定的目的与第三方控制器共享您的个人数据。此类当事方作为您个人信息的控制方行事,并将征求您的单独同意,以便其进行处理。 您应该参考其隐私声明,了解其如何使用您的个人数据:
- 有权要求注销您的账户(如有);和
- 有权拒绝仅基于对您有重大影响的自动决策技术的决策。
我们不会故意通过在线渠道收集或索要 14 岁以下儿童的个人信息。如果我们意识到自身收集到了 14 岁以下儿童的个人信息,我们会立即从记录中删除这些信息。如果您认定某 14 岁以下儿童可能已经向我们提供了个人信息,请根据本《隐私政策》的如何联系我们部分中指定的方式联系我们。
5 Necco Street
Boston, MA 02210
United States
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