HYDEA – HYdrogen DEmonstrator for Aviation
The main objective of the HYDEA project is to develop an H2 propulsion system to secure an Entry Into Service of a zero-CO2 low-emission aircraft by 2035.
HYDEA will holistically demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen propulsion on an aircraft engine in a compacted timeframe (2023-2026) up to ground test. It aims to address fundamental questions related to the use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel, also including emission studies and technologies, which will serve as an outlook to future engines. Moreover, HYDEA will pave the way toward the development and certification of new products integrating hydrogen technology.
HYDEA’s ambition will greatly benefit from a consortium which is heterogenous in nature and spaces from large OEMs to SMEs to RTOs to Accademia. For more information on the project as well as full list of entities involved in its implementation, please visit CORDIS database.
1 January 2023 – 31 December 2026
Total project budget: € 116,708,395.25 incl. € 80,495,455.31 of EU grant
GE Aerospace Poland total budget: € 5,556,862.50 incl. € 3,889,803.75 of EU grant