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GE Aerospace in Europe
Advancing the future of flight

For nearly a century, GE Aerospace has been at the forefront of innovation in the European aviation sector, guided by our commitment to inventing the future of flight, lifting people up, and bringing them home safely. With operations in 18 countries, Europe represents our second-largest global presence outside the United States.

GE Aerospace

From additive technology to engine maintenance, GE Aerospace elevates the industry and powers the skies of Europe with expertise in avionics, electrical systems, and engineering excellence. Across 19 engineering centers, production plants, testing facilities, and repair and overhaul centers, we pursue research, innovative manufacturing, and comprehensive services and testing.

Through collaborative R&D, industrial partnerships, and a locally sourced supply chain, we are deeply embedded in the European aerospace ecosystem. Our efforts to support a more sustainable future of flight is evident across Europe, where we have an across-the-board approach that includes advancing new engine architectures like Open Fan, compact core, and hybrid electric systems, for compatibility with unblended Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). We're also advancing hydrogen combustion technologies.

GE Aerospace
A cornerstone of our regional operations is our Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) facility in Wales, UK, staffed by over 1,200 highly skilled engineers and specialists, making it one of GE Aerospace’s leading MRO centers.

Additionally, our MRO facilities in Scotland and Poland provide extensive Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul services for a broad spectrum of aircraft engines.

Our European presence also includes Avio Aero, Colibrium Additive, Dowty, and Unison. All are bolstering strategic European aerospace programs, enhancing commercial airline capabilities, and strengthening military fleets. These businesses are integral components of GE Aerospace’s leadership in the European aerospace industry.


With over 6,800 commercial engines in service in Europe, we are a leading provider of advanced propulsion technologies in the region. GE Aerospace supports airline customers by prioritizing Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost (SQDC) through its proprietary FLIGHT DECK lean operating model, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Our 50-year partnership with Safran Aircraft Engines of France has redefined international corporate collaboration and helped change the course of commercial aviation.

Over the past half century, our 50/50 joint venture company – CFM International – has produced 33,900 CFM56 and 6,200 LEAP engines. Today, CFM is the world's leading supplier of commercial aircraft engines, with a product line that serves as the industry benchmark for efficiency, reliability, and low overall cost of ownership.

    Defense & Systems

    GE Aerospace safeguards European skies, powering military engines across the continent. Our T700 turboshaft engine, which powers the Boeing Apache and Sikorsky MH-60R Blackhawk helicopters, provides EU militaries with increased power, enhanced reliability, and significant fuel savings.

    In December 2023, the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) selected GE Aerospace and Avio Aero to conduct the first propulsion study for NSPA’ s next-generation helicopter requirements, cementing our role as leaders in military aviation.
      GE Aerospace
      Research & Development
      Research and development is integral to GE Aerospace's European operations, where we invest heavily in pioneering aerospace innovations. Our engineering centers collaborate with local universities, research institutions, and industry partners to foster breakthroughs in materials science, propulsion systems, and digital aviation solutions.

      An example of our industry-leading advancements is our UK-based 1.5 MW Electrical Power Integration Center (EPIC), where we develop advanced electrical power systems for commercial aircraft, enhancing performance, fuel efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

      Learn more about how GE Aerospace is using external funding to advance the future of flight.
      Soaring across Europe, together

      Across Europe, more than 12,500 GE Aerospace engineers, innovators, and skilled manufacturers are helping shape the future of flight. We continue to expand our team, adding more engineers globally and regionally, with an emphasis on experienced and mid-career professionals. These new team members will help us drive forward technology demonstrators such as CFM’s RISE* program.

      *RISE (Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines) is a program of CFM International, a 50/50 joint company between GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines.

        GE Aerospace