LM2500Gas Turbine Engine

The most trusted name
in marine gas turbines
The LM2500 is the world’s most popular aeroderivative marine gas turbine trusted by 39 navies worldwide.
Powered by decades of innovation, the LM2500 boasts a +99% record of reliability. And with 1,500+ installations worldwide, it has logged more than 16 million operating hours; making it a proven leader in marine gas turbine technology.
Powered by decades of innovation, the LM2500 boasts a +99% record of reliability. And with 1,500+ installations worldwide, it has logged more than 16 million operating hours; making it a proven leader in marine gas turbine technology.

The LM2500 sets the standard for marine gas turbines, with 50+ years of proven reliability and innovation. It is ideal for marine propulsion in a variety of configurations from mechanical and electric drive systems to hybrid (combined) systems.
It offers these features:
It offers these features:
- Gas generator
- Power turbine
- Attached fuel and lube oil pumps
- A fuel control and speed governing system
- Associate inlet and exhaust sections
- Lube and scavenge systems
- Controls and devices for starting and monitoring engine operation
The LM2500 works well in a range of possible applications, including patrol boats, corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers, cargo/auxiliary ships, and aircraft carriers. The LM2500 is also available as a military generator set.
33,600 shp (25,060 kW)
.373 lb/shp-hr (227 g/kW-hr))
Heat rate
6,860 Btu/shp-hr
9,200 Btu/kWs-hr
9,705 kJ/kWs-hr
9,200 Btu/kWs-hr
9,705 kJ/kWs-hr
Exhaust gas flow
155 lb/sec (70.5 kg/sec)
Exhaust gas temperature
1,051°F (566°C)
Power turbine speed
3600 rpm

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Experience List
F-125-GE Case History
GE Marine Gas Turbines for Frigates
USCG Case History
Split Case Design for Gas Turbine Repair
USN LCS-GE Case History