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Minds + Machines 2017: How GE Aviation is bringing data to life

October 27, 2017
This week marked GE’s sixth annual Minds + Machines event in San Francisco, California. This event, which had more than 140 GE Aviation customers and partners in attendance, showcases GE’s digital technologies and partnerships to more than 2,500 customer and partner attendees across the GE businesses, ranging from CIOs, CTOs, and CDOs, to data scientists, engineers, and industrial app developers.

John Mansfield, Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, GE Aviation, sat down with Murray Adams of Qantas Airlines on the main stage at this event to talk about their partnership with GE.

Together with Qantas, GE Aviation has taken more than 10 billion data points and fed them into an application built on Predix that can identify fuel efficiency gains and offer valuable operational insights.

That app, FlightPulse, was the first mobile application developed 100 percent on Predix. This means 1,700 Qantas pilots now have visibility into their own flight data and are alerted to opportunities where they can conserve fuel and save money.  Not only can they see their data, they can see how they compare to their peers. This visibility gives pilots real time feedback to change behavior and improve metrics.
Check out this video to learn more about GE Aviation’s partnership with Qantas, and how we’re providing our customers with digital insights that help them optimize operations, reducing costs and passenger interruptions.