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GE Engine Services Drives Customer Competitiveness

July 24, 2000

FARNBOROUGH - In the past five years, GE Aircraft Engines has transformed its services arm from a traditional spare parts, maintenance/overhaul company to a provider of global customer solutions. Behind this transformation is a focus on dramatically improving airline productivity.Now providing extensive services designed to lower cost of ownership and increase asset utilization, GE Engine Services has become the world's largest aviation services provider, serving more than 200 customers from more than 60 GE Engine Services facilities around the world.GE Engine Services products, which cover engines built by GE, CFM, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, and IAE, include:

  • GE Engine Services Overhaul and Repair: Provides customers with a global network of overhaul shops and component repair at shops located in: Nantgarw, Wales; Ontario, California; Strother Field, near Arkansas City, Kansas; Miami, Florida; Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas; McAllen, Texas; Terre Haute, Indiana; Prestwick, Scotland; Petropolis, Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Xiamen, China; Taipei, Taiwan; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore; Yokoshiba, Japan; and Cincinnati, Ohio, and at Garrett Aviation Services' Total Aircraft ServiceSM Centers.
  • GE On Wing SupportSM: The world's most extensive on wing maintenance and hospital repair shop network, GE On Wing Support dispatches "rapid response" technicians 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from facilities in: Luton and Heathrow, England; Los Angeles, California; Dallas, Texas; Cincinnati, Ohio; New York, New York; Miami, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; Seattle, Washington; Xiamen, China; Seoul, South Korea; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GE plans to open five new On Wing Support shops during the next 12 months.
  • Maintenance Cost Per HourSM (MCPHSM): Using GE Engine Services' Overhaul and Repair and On Wing Support networks, GE MCPH programs maintain engines on a flat rate per engine flight hour basis, helping airlines better forecast operating costs.
  • GE Remote Diagnostics Services: Provides "real time" remote monitoring and diagnostic information during flight, thereby preventing costly delays and cancellations and reducing maintenance costs.
  • GE Engine Leasing: Provides fleet flexibility by aligning spare engine leases with oper ational needs, helping customers plan beyond short-term engine rentals.
  • GE Engine Upgrade Programs: Incorporates new material and technology into earlier-generation engines, providing value throughout an engine's life cycle.
  • GE-IAI Aviation Services: Provides comprehensive, Tip-to-TipSM aircraft and engine services, including airframe and engine maintenance, component repair and accessory services, line maintenance, material management, and spare engine support.

Said George Oliver, GE Engine Services president, "GE Engine Services has an exciting array of products that have been proven to deliver significant productivity for our customers and have been validated in the marketplace. Our objective is to continue to drive customer productivity improvements through new products, high-technology repairs, upgrades to current fleets, our Customer Web Center, and industry-leading fulfillment." GE Engine Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company, had revenues of more than $5 billion in 1999, up from $2.3 billion in 1996. SM On Wing Support, Maintenance Cost Per Hour, MCPH, and Tip-to-Tip are service marks of General Electric Company. 
SM Total Aircraft Service is a service mark of GE Engine Services-Corporate Aviation, Inc. (d.b.a. Garrett Aviation Services).