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GE - Aviation's OnPointSM Diagnostics: 10 Years and 10,000 Engines Monitored

May 24, 2006

EVENDALE, OHIO -- GE - Aviation's OnPointSM Diagnostics service marks its tenth anniversary with 10,000 GE and CFM* engines monitored in real-time for more than 150 customers. This represents more than 50 percent of the GE and CFM engines in commercial service around the world. 

GE began its Diagnostics program in 1996 as part of fleet management and offered the service to customers in 1998. Utilizing specialized software and analytical tools, the Diagnostics team compares engine performance data to unique fleet models to identify potential problems before they become operational issues. If something unusual is detected, the customer's maintenance team receives an automated alert. GE will review the data further to determine if it should notify the customer with recommended actions. 

"Diagnostics helps customers avoid major engine performance and maintenance issues and reduces cost of ownership," said Rick Donaldson, manager, Diagnostics and Prognostics Center. "Last year, we recommended nearly 900 corrective actions and helped customers avoid 60 unscheduled engine events, providing our customers with significant savings." 

GE - Aviation's OnPointSM Diagnostics program has two levels of services: Standard Diagnostics which is available without charge to all GE and CFM engine operators and customizable Comprehensive Diagnostics that includes engine trend reports to assist an operator with its regulatory reporting and engine exceedance and fault troubleshooting. GE also offers a web-based self-service operation to allow customers to go online and access their engine data. 

GE - Aviation, an operating unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of jet engines for civil and military aircraft. GE also is a world-leading provider of maintenance and support services for jet engines. 

SM OnPoint is a service mark of General Electric Company. 

*CFM is a trademark of CFM International, a 50/50 joint company between GE and Snecma.