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China Cargo Airlines Signs $28 Million OnPointSM Agreement with GE

September 21, 2006

EVENDALE, Ohio -China Cargo Airlines has signed a 10-year, $28 million OnPointSM Solutions agreement with GE for the overhaul and maintenance of its nine CF6-80C2 engines that will power its two Boeing 747-400 aircraft. 

China Cargo Airlines is the first Chinese airline specializing in cargo and mail transport and operates out of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The cargo carrier's freighter fleet consists of six MD-11 freighters, one 747-200 freighter as well as the new 747-400 freighters, which will begin flying later this month. 

OnPoint Solutions are flexible, long-term commitments designed to meet customers' unique engine service needs. Backed by GE's world-class support, these solutions help lower our customers' cost of ownership and maximize the use of their assets. Available OnPoint services include overhaul, on-wing support, new and used parts, component repair, technology upgrades, engine leasing and diagnostics. 

GE - Aviation, a part of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of jet engines for civil and military aircraft. GE also is a world-leading provider of maintenance and support services for jet engines.