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OnPoint Solutions Agreements Expand to H80 Turboprop Customers

October 29, 2012

ORLANDO, FLORIDA – GE Aviation announced its long-term service agreements, called OnPointSM solutions agreements, will be offered to H80 turboprop customers.

"GE's OnPoint solutions agreements provide multiple benefits to our CF34-3 customers," said Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager of GE Aviation's Business & General Aviation organization. "It is a logical step to begin offering these same benefits to our H80 turboprop customers."

Customers with OnPoint solutions agreements have predictable maintenance costs based on hourly usage. The agreements are fully transferable with no transfer fees. When engine maintenance is needed, GE provides expert care and logistical assistance to ensure minimal impact to a customer's operations. All maintenance will include OEM-approved parts to ensure engines continue their optimal performance.

The value of OnPoint solution agreements is well recognized. GE successfully demonstrated to aircraft valuation companies that OnPoint solutions agreements provide real tangible asset value to customers with CF34-3-powered aircraft. This resulted in a $2 million increase in residual value for our OnPoint customers’ aircraft, which can benefit them in the resale market.

GE's OnPoint solutions are long-term commitments designed to meet customers' unique engine service needs. Backed by GE's world-class support, these solutions help lower customer cost-of-ownership and maximize the use of their assets. Available OnPoint services include overhaul, on-wing support, new and used serviceable parts, component repair, technology upgrades, engine leasing and diagnostics.

GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet, turboprop and turboshaft engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings.