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The Secretary of State talks Advanced Technology Investment and Apprenticeships during visit to GE Aviation in Cheltenham

February 07, 2013

CHELTENHAM, UK – Dr. Vince Cable, Secretary of State for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills visited GE Aviation's Cheltenham facility today and was joined by MP Laurence Robertson.

The Secretary of State visited Gloucestershire to show support for GE Aviation's continued and future investment into advanced technology in the local area and to look at the company's graduate and apprenticeship scheme which supports vital skills training for young people.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "GE Aviation reminds us why manufacturing remains one of our national success stories and lies at the heart of the Government's Industrial Strategy for making our economy stronger.

The company is a key example of business investing in the skills of its local workforce via its world-class apprenticeship programme."

Dr. Cable met with Mark Elborne, president of GE, UK and Alan Jones, managing director of the GE Aviation Cheltenham site to discuss the state of the business, research and development efforts and the site's extensive graduate and apprenticeship program. The Secretary of State spoke with several apprentices, interns and early career employees about their experiences at GE Aviation.

"Their 'Girls Get Set' programme which employs engineering apprentices is particularly important," Business Secretary Cable added. "There is a chronic shortage of engineers, especially among women. It's vital that there is better gender balance and more investment in this sector to drive growth. We must change perceptions of this industry, which is why it's important we work with others to tell the real story and inspire young people. GE Aviation does just that."

"GE Aviation was honoured to host the Secretary of State at the Cheltenham facility today," said Alan Jones, managing director of the GE Aviation site. "Our facility has been very active in partnering with the government on business growth initiatives and employee training efforts. Our graduate and apprenticeship program has resulted in our business developing a stronger talent pool to fill our employment needs."

The Secretary of State toured GE Aviation Cheltenham campus reviewing the recent investments made in the Electrical Power Laboratory and the printed circuit board manufacturing lines, he also viewed new development program and a cockpit simulator in action to see how many of the site's technologies operate inside the aircraft. GE's Dowty Propellers also showcased their advanced composite propellers which support both military and civil aircraft. The Secretary of State talked with many of the graduates and apprentices who highlighted the actions taken to attract, grow and retain employees on site.

GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft and has a global service network to support these offerings.