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GP7200 Engines Recognized for Fuel Consumption Benefit

April 11, 2012

East Hartford, Conn. - Airbus recently revised its performance handbook to indicate that GP7200-powered A380 aircraft have been demonstrating fuel consumption levels better than previously stated. This latest revision - the third positive adjustment since 2007 -- reflects an additional 0.5% improvement to the previous version of the performance handbook and further increases the GP7200-powered aircraft's competitive advantage. Aircraft purchasers frequently refer to these assessments as a predictor of aircraft and engine performance.

"GP7200 engines are saving our customers more than $1 million per aircraft per year - and more than 3,000 metric tonnes of CO2 per year - based on demonstrated performance," said Mary Ellen Jones, President of the Engine Alliance. "This latest validation of GP7200 fuel efficiency, combined with excellent performance retention and reliability, shows that the Engine Alliance is now delivering an even bigger advantage to our customers."

The GP7200 engine entered service in 2008, and 32 GP7200-powered A380s are now in service. Current operators include Emirates with 21 aircraft, Air France with six and Korean Air with five. Other GP7200 customers include Air Austral, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. To date, Engine Alliance GP7200 engines have been selected to power 56% of all A380s.

The Engine Alliance is a 50/50 joint venture of General Electric(NYSE:GE) and Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp.(NYSE:UTX). The GP7200 is the result of innovations to the combined technologies of its member companies' most successful wide-body engines: the GE90 and the PW4000. The GP7200 utilizes the lessons learned from more than 35 million flight hours of successful operation with these legacy engines and incorporates new technology to produce the quietest, most fuel efficient engine for the A380. The GP7200 is certified at 76,500 pounds (340 kN) of thrust and has the capability to produce more than 81,500 pounds (363 kN). Its emissions and noise levels are well below current and anticipated future regulations.

GP7200 Engine Program participants include SNECMA (France), Techspace Aero (Belgium) and MTU Aero Engines (Germany).