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EASA Certifies GP7272 and GP7272E Engines

July 16, 2014

Farnborough, UK  — The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has certified two new thrust ratings for the GP7200 engine. The first, GP7272, allows the GP7200 engine to operate at 72,000 pounds of thrust (lbf). The second, GP7272E, allows the engine to operate with the same thrust at higher ambient temperature environments.

“The extended corner point – or E-rating – gives airlines with EA-powered A380s the ability to operate without limiting thrust and thus passengers or cargo on hot days, especially in regions such as the Middle East,” said Dean Athans, President of the Engine Alliance (EA). “The E-rating is possible because the GP7200 engine was designed with a large margin to its exhaust gas temperature (EGT) limits. This is another unique advantage of the GP7200 that we are happy to offer to our A380 customers.”

The GP7200 engine now has four thrust ratings: the GP7270 and GP7270E at 70,000 lbf, the GP7272 and GP7272E at 72,000 lbf. The existence of the two E-ratings enables the GP7200 engine to operate at full thrust beyond an ambient temperature of 30°C (86°F). The E-rating enables A380 operators to optimize payload without compromising fuel burn and maintenance cost.

Airlines operating GP7200 engines have enjoyed the merits of the quietest, most reliable and most fuel-efficient powerplant for the A380. The GP7200 engine has sustained an average of 99.9% departure reliability since entry into service. Additionally, customers have benefitted from a fuel savings advantage of up to $1 million per aircraft per year.

The EA-powered A380 entered service in August 2008. Currently 69 EA-powered A380s are in operation around the globe. The EA-powered A380 fleet is supported by the world’s largest network, with field service engineers available in more than 100 cities around the globe.

The Engine Alliance is a 50-50 joint venture of GE (NYSE:GE) and Pratt & Whitney (P&W), a division of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX). Revenue-sharing partners include MTU Aero Engines of Germany, Snecma (SAFRAN) of France and Techspace Aero (SAFRAN) of Belgium.

The GP7200 engine draws from the success of the GE90 and PW4000 programs, which together total more than 62 million engine hours and more than 11 million engine cycles in service. With the ability to incorporate field experience and newly proven technologies from GE and P&W, the Engine Alliance is continuously investing in engine enhancements.