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Continental Engines Achieve TRUEngineTM Status

July 14, 2008

FARNBOROUGH, England -- CFM International has awarded the TRUEngineTM designation for more than 500 CFM56-3 and CFM56-7B engines in the Continental Airlines fleet, making the airline the first to be granted this status. 

TRUEngineTM is a product of CFM International (CFM), a 50/50 joint company of Snecma (SAFRAN Group) and General Electric Company. 

"The TRUEngineTM program helps us protect our investment in our CFM56 engines," said Ron Baur, Staff Vice President - Fleet Management. "We are in the midst of one of the most challenging times in our industry's history, and operators worldwide are looking for ways to reduce costs. As we work to reduce capacity by divesting our older 737-300 and 737-500 aircraft, we believe the TRUEngineTM status of our CFM56-3 engines makes the engines more marketable and helps us achieve a higher resale value." 

The Continental engines were awarded TRUEngineTM status following a comprehensive review of the airline's fleet operational data and maintenance records. 

These records validated that maintenance of all of the engines is consistent with CFM International's requirements for those engine models, including maintenance practices, spare parts and repairs and that they comply with CFM-issued engine manuals, service bulletins, and other maintenance recommendations. 

The CFM56 engines of several more fleet owners will soon be evaluated for the TRUEngineTM designation, which will be available to all CFM56 engines meeting the criteria.