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Digital disruption: GE's Waypoint converges industry change-makers at the intersection of aviation and digital

March 02, 2018
GE Aviation is bringing customers and partners together to explore the future of digital in the aviation industry.

GE Aviation brought more than 350 of its digital customers and partners together this week to discuss digital transformation in the aviation industry at its Waypoint event in Dallas, TX.

A highlight during the event was a keynote by “Miracle on the Hudson” hero Captain “Sully” Sullenberger who knows about aviation safety. His heroic act of an emergency landing onto the Hudson River in 2009 was the product of a lifetime spent in the pursuit of aviation safety.

“Captain Sullenberger’s keynote was the perfect example of the emphasis and importance we all place on aviation safety and expertise,” commented Andrew Coleman, chief commercial officer for GE Aviation. “Waypoint provides a forum for our aviation community to share best practices and learn from one another.  Problem-solving and collaboration with customers provides valuable insights about their specific priorities and requirements.”

Participants included clients from the airlines, military, maintenance, manufacturers, lessors and business and general aviation. Customers partnered with the GE team to share more than 60 sessions focused on technologies in: asset performance management, data governance, digital disruption and transformation, digital MRO, flight analytics, flight safety, fuel management, network management, operations management and records management.

Waypoint included a tech hall throughout the conference that showcased partnerships and digital demos on GE’s intelligent network operations, FlightPulse and professional services, among others, as well as several partner and sponsor demonstrations, including Teradata, Tableau, PASSUR Aerospace, CEFA and Avitas.

“Waypoint was a tremendous opportunity to bring together airlines and operators across the entire aviation industry,” said John Mansfield, chief digital officer for GE Aviation. “While GE hosts the event, it’s more focused on aviation, what’s possible in the digital space and how so many airlines are using data and analytics to improve aviation for their operations and for air travel.”

One customer noted, “We are a recent customer after being with a previous vendor for eight years. I have been really impressed with the customer support, attention to feedback and ongoing product development. I only ask myself why it took this long to switch!”.

“This was our week to show our customers how much they mean to us and how much they inspire us to perform at our best each and every day,” continued Coleman.  “Our team really appreciates the opportunity to partner with the greatest thinking in aviation toward problem-solving and advancing our industry.  We are on to something profound and special, with a great deal of room to grow and further innovate.”