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Learning CFM LEAP: Next-gen engines require next-level approaches to technical training

February 11, 2019 | by Mark Adams
While hands-on training is one key element to understanding best practices for aircraft engine line maintenance, borescope, blade blend and engine change, GE Aviation and Safran Aircraft Engines' customer technical training teams are implementing newer digital methods to bring maintainers up to speed more quickly on next generation, ultra-high-tech powerplants.

"Our LEAP-1A* engine maintenance training includes a variety of approaches to ensure learning success, including enhanced classroom, ‘hands-on’ and now—and in the future—2-D/3-D interactive digital training modules," explains Shannon Korson, who manages GE Aviation's Customer Technical Education Center's (CTEC) operations as well as provides oversight of its technical training for GE and joint venture commercial, business aviation and military engines.

"I admit, there's nothing quite like the experience of getting your hands on an actual engine at our line maintenance trainings—but the advanced technology of the engines and the quick timeframes within which our customers and GE colleagues need to get up to speed on these maintenance actions requires a different combination of training tools and approaches."

Just-in-time and distance learning, as well as enhanced classroom training approaches, are an important piece of the core learning curricula, and these 2-D simulations moving toward 3-D content modules provide an experience you cannot get with static informational slides and printed handouts.

"Not only can you bring up a digital replica of a LEAP-1A engine and zoom-in and isolate the individual parts and components, but the instructor in the classroom can also draw and write notes on the actual engine training module screen to bring the classroom learning experience to a new level of interaction," Korson says.

See the training in action with this video.

CTEC and other GE and Safran technical training centers around the world will soon have this same module for the LEAP-1B engine—and for LEAP-1C in the future.

"Our CFM joint venture partner, Safran Aircraft Engines, has done a terrific job developing the content for the LEAP digital training modules, and you can clearly see the positive effect on our students, specifically around the amount of technical information they are able to retain and eventually put into practice on the tarmac or in the hanger once they satisfy their additional steps to maintenance certification," says Paul Bryan, senior technical trainer at CTEC.

Technical training facilities around the globe

Currently, GE Aviation and Safran Aircraft Engines have four technical training facilities in place, including GE CTEC in Cincinnati, Ohio; Safran CTC in Melun, France; CFM Aircraft Engine Support South Asia (CFMAESSA) in Hyderabad, India; and Aero Engine Maintenance Training Center (AEMTC) in Guanghan City, China.

The first three locations provide LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engine training. The AEMTC in China is targeted to have LEAP-1B training in 2019 and LEAP-1A in 2020.

"Our Maintenance Minute videos that feature quick reference maintenance tips continue to be very popular and, over the past three years, we've added downloadable mobile apps as well as offering internet access via YouTube-like environments in regions such as Asia, where there typically is not access to YouTube. For example, 'WeChat' in China," Korson says.

"The bottom line is that technical training for newer engines like the LEAP product line—and soon the GE9X—will evolve into even more 2-D/3-D interactive learning approaches integrated with virtual and augmented reality (AR/VR) content."

For more information on LEAP and other engine technical training, contact CTEC directly at +1.513.552.6692 or via email: You can access an online course catalog and additional info on the web here.

* The CFM LEAP engine is made by CFM International, a 50/50 joint venture company between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines