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Why Re-Engining Experience Makes GE the Top Choice for the B-52

May 20, 2020 | by GE Aviation News Staff
GE Aviation has successfully completed more aircraft re-engining programs for the U.S. Air Force than any other company. In fact, GE is the only company to have been involved in three successful U.S. Air Force aircraft re-engine programs of in-service aircraft.

That experience places GE in a unique position for the B-52 Stratofortress Commercial Engine Re-Engining Program (CERP) and makes us the top choice for the B-52. It’s worth taking a look at the three re-engining programs GE has completed with iconic Air Force aircraft.

KC-135R STRATOTANKER J57/TF33 to F108: A force multiplier for refueling In the 1980s, the F108 high-bypass turbofan (known as the CFM56-2* in commercial service) was selected to replace the KC-135’s existing TF33 propulsion, the same engine to be replaced during the B-52 commercial engine replacement program. The F108 enabled two tankers to do the work of three. With 25 percent better fuel efficiency and the ability to offload 50 percent more fuel, the re-designated KC-135R has proven to be a re-engining success story and force multiplier over the past four decades.

KC-135R Stratotanker. Photo credit: One Mile High Photography

U-2S DRAGON LADY J75 to F118: Elevating reconnaissance to new heights When the Air Force identified a need to re-engine its U-2R (a larger variant of the original U-2) in the late 1980s, GE offered its F118 engine, which had recently been qualified for the iconic B-2 bomber. Chosen to power the re-designated U-2S, the F118 provided both higher thrust and lower fuel burn, increasing payload and aircraft range by more than 1,200 miles, along with a decreased time to climb. Much like the F108 on the KC-135R, the re-engined U-2S served as a force multiplier for the Air Force fleet.

U-2S Dragon Lady. Photo credit: Lockheed Martin

C-5M SUPER GALAXY TF39 to F138: Redefining global mobility The Air Force launched two C-5 modernization efforts, with GE’s F138 (the CF6-80C2 turbofan’s military designation) as the selection to power the newly designated C-5M Super Galaxy. The F138 delivered—offering an estimated $20 billion reduction in operating cost, access to twice as many airfields, and a 27 percent increase in unrefueled range, which avoided in-air refueling on many missions.

C-5M Super Galaxy. Photo credit: One Mile High Photography

Looking for more information on these re-engining efforts? Read the full B-52 re-engining white paper here. *CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines.