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TRUEngine Technical Program

GE Aerospace


asset value
Customers with GE Aerospace and CFM engines want to maximize asset value and take advantage of the full range of our world-class support. Verifying an engine's material content through our TRUEngine™ program can help owners and operators achieve both.

    A TRUEngine is an engine which has been maintained to GE Aerospace or CFM manuals and recommendations. A TRUEngine contains TRUEngine LLP, which are life-limited parts (LLP) that have always operated in GE Aerospace- or CFM- approved configurations. When rotating LLP and their associated critical influencing parts and all other internal engine parts are confirmed for GE Aerospace- or CFM- approved configuration, the engine is eligible for TRUEngine status.

    In addition, GE Aerospace and CFM strongly advise customers maximize operational reliability by maintaining all engine components – which include all Line Replacement Units (LRUs) and all external accessories (i.e., all other parts as referenced in the Spare Parts Catalog) – to GE Aerospace and CFM manuals and recommendations.

    The TRUEngine program – available for CF6, GE90, GEnx, CF34 and CFM56 engines - was developed in response to a growing industry need to better understand engine material content as assets are evaluated and redistributed. With the TRUEngine designation, engine owners, potential buyers, lessors, and appraisers know that an engine’s content and maintenance history have been verified by GE Aerospace or CFM, enabling them to more easily evaluate engine configuration, asset value and market attractiveness.

    Studies show that engines maintained in the OEM configuration can have as much as 50% higher residual value versus those engines maintained with Parts Manufacturing Authority (PMA) content and/or Designated Engineering Representative repairs (DERs)†. For details on this research, view the GE Aerospace Service Solutions article [PDF] regarding a study conducted by the International Bureau of Aviation (IBA) that examined asset resale prices for CF6-80C2 and CFM56-3/-5C engines.

    The TRUEngine qualification process includes submittal of maintenance records by the customer and a review by GE Aerospace or CFM to ensure engine configuration and overhaul practices are consistent with GE Aerospace- and CFM-issued engine manuals and other recommendations. There is no cost to participate, and the TRUEngine designation is fully transferrable. The TRUEngine designation is granted on an individual engine serial number basis and remains in effect until the next shop visit (re-qualification). Participants also enjoy other benefits such as extended spare parts warranty and optimized product support.

    † Based on CFM, GE and independent third-party research.

    GE Aerospace
    TRUEngine LLP
    A TRUEngine LLP is an LLP (life-limited part) that GE Aerospace or CFM has verified, through a back-to-birth records review, has been maintained to GE Aerospace or CFM manuals and recommendations since birth. LLP are qualified at the part level and at a specific time-since-new and cycles-since-new interval.

    A proactive answer to customer requests for a reliable means of identifying LLP that have always operated in a GE Aerospace or CFM configuration, this extension of the well-established TRUEngine program is designed to help operators support the value of their assets and assure optimized GE Aerospace and CFM technical support.
    GE Aerospace
    Why are LLPs so important?
    LLPs are the most critical engine parts and include rotating components such as disks, spools and shafts. Life limits are established using a rigorous methodology that is applied to both individual parts as well as the engine system.

    Systems-level analysis is critical because some non- life-limited “influencing parts” like turbine blades and seals can significantly impact durability of LLP.
    GE Aerospace
    TRUEngine Authorized MROs
    Along with GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines engine overhaul facilities, ST Aerospace (CFM56), StandardAero (CFM56 and CF34), TEXL (GE90), and EGAT (CF6) are licensed TRUEngine Authorized MROs. This gives customers choice and the assurance that these shops perform overhauls with materials that adhere to OEM engine specifications.